AIM: To explore the treatment effects of secondary glaucoma after the restoration of traumatic cyclodialysis. 目的:探讨外伤性睫状体分离复位后继发青光眼的治疗效果。
Clinical analysis and treatment of secondary glaucoma after ocular contusion 眼挫伤继发青光眼的临床分析与治疗
Clinical analysis of secondary glaucoma after silicone oil injection 硅油填充术后继发青光眼的临床分析
Objective To assess the curative effect of triple combination operation for immature stage of cataract and secondary glaucoma. 目的评价膨胀期内白内障继发青光眼三联手术的临床疗效。
Cause of secondary glaucoma and its management after silicone oil removal combined with perfluoropropane gas plombage 硅油取出全氟丙烷气体充填术后继发性青光眼的原因及处理
Secondary glaucoma following penetrating keratoplasty ( PKP) is a serious complication after the PKP due to its risk of graft failure and irreversible visual loss. 继发性青光眼是穿透角膜移植术(PKP)后一种严重的并发症,常导致植片混浊,患者视力不可逆下降。
Different surgical methods in treatment of secondary glaucoma due to intumescent cataract 不同手术方式治疗膨胀期白内障继发青光眼的临床观察
AIM: To study the mechanism of secondary glaucoma derived from blunt trauma lens dislocation as well as its therapeutic effect. 方法:对因直接钝挫伤发生晶状体脱位继发青光眼根据伤情不同,脱位的形式不同而采取不同的治疗方法。
Clinical investigation of extracapsular lens extraction and anterior vitrectomy for 24 cases with crystalline lens subluxation associated with secondary glaucoma 晶状体囊外摘出联合前部玻璃体切割治疗晶状体半脱位继发青光眼24例
Analysis and nursing of Hypopyon after surgery secondary glaucoma with Behcet's disease Behcet病继发青光眼滤过术后前房积脓分析与护理
Theory and Clinical Discussion on Opening Sweat Pore ( OSP) and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion ( CRVO) and Neovascular Glaucoma ( NVG) Different surgical methods in treatment of secondary glaucoma due to intumescent cataract 视网膜中央静脉阻塞及继发青光眼与玄府闭塞关系之初探不同手术方式治疗膨胀期白内障继发青光眼的临床观察
Prophylactic filtering operation may have benefit on preventing development of secondary glaucoma. 此外,早期作预防性滤过手术或可避免青光眼的产生。
Analysis of incidence rate and risk factors of secondary glaucoma after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide 玻璃体腔注射曲安奈德术后继发性青光眼的发生率和危险因素分析
Objective To explore the cause, treatment and prevention of traumatic secondary glaucoma. 目的探讨眼外伤后继发性青光眼的原因和治疗。
Methods The cause and treatment of77 cases ( 77 eyes) of traumatic secondary glaucoma in patients were analysed. 方法对77例77眼眼外伤后继发性青光眼的原因及治疗进行分析。
Objective To investigate the cause and treatment of the secondary glaucoma after keratoplasty. 目的探讨角膜移植术后继发性青光眼的病因及防治方法。
Objective To research the clinical results of combined trabecular resection with pupillary organization membrane resection in the treatment of secondary glaucoma associated with pupillary occulusion. 目的评价小梁切除联合瞳孔区机化膜切除治疗瞳孔膜闭继发青光眼的临床治疗效果。
Case of secondary glaucoma and 1 case of endothelial rejection were found. 术后继发性青光眼1例,内皮型排斥反应1例。
( Conclusions Trabecular) resection combined with posterior synechia separation of the pupil and iris, peripheral anterior synechia separation of the iris and pupillary organization membrane resection is a better treatment in control IOP and improve visual acuity for secondary glaucoma associated with occlusion of pupil. 结论小梁切除联合虹膜和瞳孔后粘连分离、周边虹膜前粘连和房角分离、瞳孔区机化膜分离和切除,对瞳孔膜闭继发青光眼在有效控制眼压和提高视力方面有良好的效果。
The main complications were graft rejection, secondary glaucoma and bullous keratopathy. 术后主要并发症有排异反应、继发性青光眼、大泡性角膜病变等。
To investigate the long term effects of trabeculectomy on FHU with secondary glaucoma. 评价小梁切除术治疗FHU继发性青光眼的远期疗效。
This surgery is effective, simple and safe to treat the secondary glaucoma following the contusion hyphema. 此种手术治疗方法是治疗挫伤性前房出血继发青光眼有效、简便、安全的方法。
Objective: To investigate the method to treat the secondary glaucoma following the contusion hyphema. 目的探讨挫伤性前房出血继发性青光眼的治疗方法。
The complications, such as retinal detachment, secondary glaucoma and persistent uveitis were not found. 结果:术后2年2组患者人工晶体位置均稳定,无视网膜脱离、继发性青光眼和顽固性葡萄膜炎发生;
Methods: Retrospectively, 9 cases ( 17 eyes) of nanophthalmos with secondary glaucoma were studied. 方法:回顾性分析了17只真性小眼球继发青光眼的临床资料、治疗方法及病情转归。
Ineffective in 2 eyes with vitreous hemorrhage, secondary glaucoma or complicated cataract, the rate was 1.97%. 2眼因玻璃体出血,继发新生血管性青光眼或并发白内障失明而无效,占1.97%。
Immunological rejection occured in 2 eyes, secondary glaucoma in 2 eyes, hyphema in 1 eye. 免疫排斥反应2眼,继发青光眼2眼,前房积血1眼。